Barrier-free path of travel
All pathways, to and from our front seating area, change rooms, washrooms, office spaces, and training areas are free of barriers and wheelchair accessible with ample turning space. Our front door is also wheel-chair friendly and includes automated doors. Our 2 main training areas are 20 feet by 40 feet and 80 feet by 25 feet, respectively.
Visual fire safety devices
All pathways, to and from our front seating area, change rooms, washrooms, office spaces, and training areas are free of barriers and wheel-chair accessible with ample turning space. Our front door is also wheel-chair friendly but a slight squeeze depending on the make and model of chair. We’re aware of this and striving to meet the diverse needs of our clientele! Our 2 main training areas are 20 feet by 40 feet and 80 feet by 25 feet, respectively.
Our facility includes an accessible washroom with a change table.
Change rooms
Ingersoll Karate has two spacious change rooms where students can change into their uniforms or casual wear before and after classes. If you intend to use our change rooms, make sure to arrive ahead of the beginning of class. One of our change rooms includes an automated door.
Water Refill Station
Ingersoll Karate features a water-bottle filling station which also includes a common drinking fountain. Make sure to bring your own bottle to class!
Our waiting area features accessible seating for our patrons and a television live-streaming our training sessions so that all parents can spectate while waiting. The dimensions of our waiting area are 10 feet by 18 feet.